Connecting with Filipino culture through Simbang Gabi

As the year winds down, people look for signs of divine intervention to give them inner strength. Simbang Gabi, a nine-day (novena) series of Masses in honour of Mother Mary, is a cornerstone of the Filipino community’s celebration of Christmas. “[Simbang Gabi] encompasses everything the traditional Filipino [culture] is: religious, fun, community,” says Mike Guia,…

Lucia and other Swedish Christmas traditions: A light in the dark

No chimneys here, but plenty of glögg, lussekatter, smorgasbord – and Disney. The Scandinavian Community Centre Society (SCCS) will host a diverse line-up of holiday events this month, including the long-standing Swedish tradition of Lucia (Dec. 14): which brings light, hope, and warmth to dark winter months. “It’s supposed to be a totally positive thing…

Cultural Calendar

The holiday season has arrived, and 2024 is quickly drawing to a close. I hope this year has treated everyone well. Take time to enjoy the festive spirit and make some cherished memories with loved ones. Bundle up and explore some of the exciting events and shows happening this month. Wishing you all the best…