
There is an arresting spectacle happening under the north side of the Cambie Bridge in Cooper’s Park. Uninterrupted is a cinematic art installation directed by Vancouver’s Nettie Wild, an award winning documentary film maker recognized internationally. Images of the life cycle of salmon are digitally projected onto the columns and underside of the bridge. In…

Vancouver: my hometown

I’m barely 19 and fortunately my identity crisis, a psychological crisis that begins during adolescence and that sometimes extends into adult life, has quickly passed. For a good part of my life I did not know who I was, partly because I’m “exotic.” By “exotic,” I am referring to the fact that I have ethnic…

Dethroning Christy Clark

With the neoliberal consensus shattered worldwide, the soon-to-be new B.C. government must act decisively Progressive politics should be a broad and ecumenical church. No one is born a socialist, a liberal, or a conservative; we are all learning and evolving beings, with ideas shaped by our upbringing, race, gender, class position – and by the…

Onwards to Tram Mountain

Woken up by my phone notification, I turned on the screen to check what was new. There was an invitation from a friend of mine to Tram Berg – a place where the deep, deep valleys reside, where nature breaks free of the intrusion of human urbanization and also where lies the suburban lifestyle. The…

Entrance Island Lighthouse

Entrance Island is a picturesque little rocky island located 841 metres north of Gabriola Island in BC’s Salish Sea. The lantern of its white lighthouse tower has a red balcony below and red covering on top. There are several buildings, all in white vinyl siding with red roofs. The island is frequented by harbour seals…

Be yourself in Vancouver

Everyone knows Vancouver is a great city to live in. The mix between large urban buildings and nature makes the city attractive to all kinds of people. Vancouver is consistently named as one of the top five worldwide cities for livability and quality of life. Besides that, it’s also the third largest film production centre…

A Parisienne attempts a Vancouver makeover

Freshly disembarked from her native France on a winter morning (it’s all of 3°C out), the Parisienne, her ankles swollen with pride upon stepping out onto the soil of the new continent (or was it perhaps poor blood circulation due to the trip), changes her shoes. Indeed, as soon as she leaves the airport she…

Towards a progressive-green majority in B.C.

The month of May has been one of the strangest interregnums in the history of a province that has had its share of idiosyncratic and, well, wacky politics. Election night left everybody hanging, and the recounts and absentee ballots – which were only tabulated two weeks later – only narrowed the margin of the closest…

Gems in the heart of Hanoi

I am here in Hanoi, Vietnam for three months and I am thrilled to re-explore the beauty of the city where I was born and raised. Looking around at the densely populated houses and the people, I know hidden gems will be found and fun will be had. As my friend and I walk down…

A dalliance with time

The two-metre sculpture, Dance of Time I, by Spanish artist Salvador Dali is on display at Hastings and Hornby Streets from May to September 2017. The sculpture’s installation was made possible by the Chali-Rosso Art Gallery at 549 Howe St. to help commemorate Canada’s 150th anniversary and perhaps encourage the public to reflect on Canada’s…

Exploring cultures within a culture

During a long flight I opened my eyes and peeked out of the airplane window. There it was, a green stretch of mountainous land, surrounded by sea and arctic, seemingly wild and pure. I was on my way to Vancouver, the city where people talk in elevators, where yoga pants are for everyday use and…