
Commissioned by the Vancouver Art Gallery (VAG), Ovoidism is a 2016 work located at the former site of Vancouver’s old bus depot, west of the Canadian Forces Beatty Street Drill Hall and east of the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. This is the area where the VAG hopes to relocate. The Coast Salish Dancers in this photo…

A unique and ordinary life

I was four months old when I first came to Canada. As a baby I was curious and excited to be part of such a diverse community. By the time I was five years old, I experienced great difficulty with social interactions. My classmates did not understand my multiculturalism or the fact that I was…

Royal visit a reminder of B.C.’s colonial past – and present

This week’s much-hyped B.C. visit of British royals William and Kate was a reminder of just how thoroughly our province was, and is, a colonial project. Even with a name like British Columbia, and the union jack on our provincial flag, some of us seem to forget where this recent political entity came from, and…

A neighbourhood memorial

Although the West End’s Sex Workers Memorial has broad implications, the Sept. 16, 2016 unveiling was still a prideful neighbourhood event. It was inspiring to listen to stories of people’s struggles for the rights of sex workers. All three local First Nations Bands were represented: Tsleil-Waututh, Musqueam and Squamish, and their unceded territory recognized. They…

A Latina in Canada

To go and live in Canada was a teenage dream. A quest for vast distant spaces. For a simple life by a lake at the edge of the forest. A natural environment where I could take root once again. To be far away from my native lands: Languedoc and Sonora. I am as much from…

Courage my NDP friends, victory in 2017 is possible

On March 2, 1999, BCTV’s news hour featured a live RCMP door knock at the East Vancouver residence of then NDP Premier Glen Clark. The cops were at the home of the province’s top politician to execute a search warrant issued in connection with an investigation into breach of trust involving a casino license approved…

Steam Engine 3716

This 104-year-old steam engine pulls a vintage train along the remaining 10 km (6 miles) of the famed Kettle Valley Railway (KVR). It’s a 90-minute tourist ride and well worth it. Skirting through the beautiful Prairie Valley of Summerland, B.C., the train ride offers beautiful vistas of vineyards and fruit orchards, a hallmark of the…

Everyone can leave their mark

Growing up in Vancouver I heard the term “multiculturalism” a lot. I was taught that Canada, as a whole, is a multicultural country, a “mosaic” of peoples from many different places. As a kid, that seemed pretty obvious. People are all different – some were born here, some were born across the country and some…

Rainbows abound at Bute and Davie

This is the beautiful Pride sign, in rainbow colours at Bute & Davie in Vancouver’s West End. It stood in the new Jim Deva Plaza during Pride weekend. The sign was an initiative of Young Ideas, which works out of Gordon Neighbourhood House. Young Ideas proposes to connect young people who live in the West…

Trials and tribulations in the city

The journey preceding my arrival in Vancouver almost five months ago was nothing out of the ordinary. Nonetheless, I think it is central to understanding how I have been feeling since arriving in the distant patch of land that is Vancouver. I come from Catalonia, a small European nation in search of independence. I have…

Donald Trump and the danger of Vancouver’s toxic real estate debate

Perhaps one silver lining of this summer’s grand opening of the Trump Vancouver luxury tower will be to refocus the housing affordability discussion that’s currently generating a lot more heat than light. The bloviating con man and presumptive Republican presidential nominee has partnered to build Trump Vancouver with Holborn Group, a development firm and a…

Steam rolling prints

What we are seeing is collaborative public art in action to produce a 4’ by 8’ woodcut print using a genuine steamroller, ordinarily employed in paving streets, as a press. This event, BIG PRINT PROJECT, took place on Granville Island over the Canada Day weekend, July 1, 2, 3, 2016. It is one of 11…