Loss of confidence in politicians: whose fault is it?

Opinion polls often speak out loud what we think in secret. Ipsos Reid’s latest incursion into the mindset of the population for the media conglomerate, Postmedia, reveals – or should I say confirms – that Canadians have little confidence in their politicians.

Cultural Belonging. What is it?

Where do I belong and do I belong anywhere?” That is the question. It’s a question that I have asked myself since my arrival in Vancouver nine years ago and has preoccupied me significantly at times. Probably because it is very difficult and complicated to answer.

Wildebeest and other things not Tasmanian

Most of the people I’ve met in Vancouver tell me that British Columbia is full of Australians. So, you’ve probably encountered a few of us sun-loving, beer-drinking folk who drive on the wrong side of the road, and boast of childhoods spent running amuck in backyards full of deadly critters.

Will he– or will he not

In less than a year the Liberal Party of Canada will be choosing a permanent leader. We already know that it will not be interim leader Bob Rae, who –
surprise, surprise – announced that he was forsaking the race.His decision opens up an interesting playing field. It’s open season for many more ca

© Denis Bouvier

It’s Smokin’ at Italian Day!

Outside the Portuguese Club of Vancouver, sardines are being grilled for a crowd of appreciative fans. Up and down Commercial Drive from 3rd avenue to Parker St., street vendors, cafes and restaurants were not only selling Italian food like pizza, paninis, and Italian sausage, but food from many o

A marker placed at the location of the Marpole Midden. Photo courtesy of Parks Canada

Why we should all stop and pay attention while the Musqueam block traffic

On Thursday May 31, the morning drive talk radio programs in Vancouver were growling with complaints. Bewildered traffic reporters called in breathless reports. The reason for the agitation on the airwaves was that members of the Musqueam First Nation and their supporters had carried out an unusual protest march that had gone up the on-ramp and had blocked the north end of the Arthur Laing Bridge. [Read more…]