The Sun Rises in Seattle

Photographed in April at the Seattle Center next to the Space Needle, “The Sun” is a signature installation of renowned glass sculptor, Dale Chihuly. As part of an effort to revitalize the Seattle Center, Chihuly agreed to establish a comprehensive exhibit of his work and designed Chihuly Garden and Glass which opened on May 21.
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Protestors make an effigy of Quebec Premier Jean Charest.

Lessons to B.C. from the Quebec protest

Quebec’s students are teaching, or re-teaching, an important lesson to all of us. In Canada, and here in British Columbia, decades of neo-liberalism have rolled back our public services. Even more damaging, perhaps, has been the way these years have rolled back our public imagination.

The tricky art of being Canadian

As someone who was born in Vancouver, I’m rarely identified as so. Upon first meeting people, they often stare quizzically at me when I say I’m Canadian. “Can’t be so,” they say, “you look too ethnic!”

Gone are the good old budget laws

Majority governments are able to propose any number of bills before Parliament and have them adopted – thanks to their majority, of course. This in itself isn’t alarming.

A typical day in Vancouver. Photo by Ian Broyes, Flickr

From Québec to Vancity

I’ve always been fascinated by travel, but, I’ve never been tempted to get to know my own country. I’ve always preferred visits abroad to domestic flights. But here I am, bound to stay in Canada. I therefore chose to come to Vancouver, mainly for its geographic location since it’s the furthest city from my own: Quebec City. [Read more…]

Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith. Dave Cournoyer, Flickr

Change yes, but not at any cost

As they say, it’s not over ‘til it’s over. Our Albertan neighbours clearly demon-strated it last week. The recent Alberta general elections’ results, which saw the Progressive Conservative Party win a 12th consecutive mandate, are plain on this aspect. [Read more…]

Asian Canadians: few words of connection

There are few, if any, arts and culture publications out there that are able to attract both new and old generations alike to their pages. Tastes differ from person to person, and certainly between each generation.

Looking at the publications available for the Asian community, one notices a disconnect between them.
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