Korean school girls. Photo by Marcella Bona, Flickr.

My sense of belonging

As much as I belong everywhere, I don’t belong anywhere. I’ve lost my footing on my origin and now I float in a giant limbo. Is this a common phenomenon in Canada, the giant melting pot of cultures? It is often the easiest thing to do: to lose sight of your motherland and convince yourself that you belong everywhere. It is almost an inevitable characteristic of all living organisms. We change to adapt and we evolve.[Read more…]

Vancouver: open, but not so open

What brought me to Vancouver is neither poverty nor the hope for a better life or even solid projects. Nope, boredom did. The fatigue from seeing my beloved France going back to its old demons, career prospects as empty as an ice field on a foggy evening, or a love life as exciting as a five hour documentary on stamp collecting in Victorian England. [Read more…]

Letter to the Editor

Upon reading a recent article about the active Syrian community (as there are many who are not active) and Sawsan Habbal, [I’d like to make] several inferences. One of those is that the people of Syria don’t need freedom and democracy. [Read more…]