Japanese artists bring light to underground art

The exuberant colour and delicate lines of Japanese art, blended with rough and explosive North American street art, will be the highlight of an upcoming show, Hiraki, at Ayden Gallery in downtown Vancouver from Sept. 12 to Oct. 12. The show will feature pop surrealistpaintings by six Japanese-born artists, most of whom are extreme sports…

Artist and community visions fuse into Richmond art project

When visitors look into the artwork that adorns the entrance stairwell of the West Richmond Community Centre, they might just see a little bit of themselves in it. Rising is the result of a community art project led by Vancouver-born artist Jeanette G. Lee which encouraged community members of all ages to contribute ideas and…

Peking Opera make-up transformation unveiled

Unmasked, an event being held at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden on Sept. 27, will offer audiences a look behind the curtains at the make-up process of Peking Opera. The demonstration will be followed by performances of Murder of a Concubine, and Princess Shuang Yang starring William Lau, Mr. Wang, Catherine Li and…

Artist fuses Ukrainian soul food with stories of survival

When searching for a cookbook, one does not usually find an accompaniment of survival stories along with the recipes. Raisa Stone, author of Baba’s Kitchen: Ukrainian Soul Food, offers just that. With humour and anecdotes laced throughout the recipes, Stone sheds light on survivors of the Nazi and Soviet regimes. As a child growing up…

Digital images and imagination: Constructing new identities and geographies

Azawad Libre! New Media and Imagined Geographies in the Sahel is a collection of digital creations on display from August 11 to October 5 at Bob Prittie Library in Burnaby. The collection presents images of fantastical identities and new geographies produced on the cellphones and computers of young people throughout the Sahel region of Africa.…

A traditional Chinese celebration, with a Canadian touch

The White Rock waterfront will be lit up with lanterns when the Second Annual Moon Festival arrives this September. For three days, music, arts, food and dancing will be on hand for the celebration. The festival is the brainchild of Erik Stepura, who proposed the idea to the city council. “We’re partnering with the Chinese…

A hybrid of sight, sound and movement comes to Centre A

In their latest creative project, Music Temple, Emi Honda and Jordan McKenzie take their love of nature and a desire to communicate on many levels to transcend the expectations of standard art forms. “Enough people talk about themselves. I want to speak about nature,” says Honda. The multimedia project, where neither sound nor visual installations…

Artist reframes old master for modern age

Exploring language, art and culture, The Book of Jests is a compilation of political jokes in 15 different languages – English, Italian, Hebrew, Hindi, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, Arabic, German, Greek, French, Turkish and Czech – surrounded by illustrations from 16th century painter Albrecht Dürer. These illustrations, which depict stories from the Bible, come…