Cultural Calendar

Goodbye 2021, and hello 2022! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season, despite the presence of the omicron variant. While I have recommended a few events below, please remember to stay safe and follow provincial health orders and venue guidelines when going to in-person events. Have a great January everyone! * * * Lights at…

Cultural Calendar

Another year has gone by, and while we are all ready for this global pandemic to be over, with the rise of the Omicron variant, remember to observe provincial health measures as you celebrate the holidays with your friends and family. Have a safe and happy holiday and an amazing new year to come. *…

Cultural Calendar

Hopefully you’ve gotten your holiday shopping in early – with the global supply chain crisis, there might not be any good gifts available closer to the holidays! Once you’re done with your holiday shopping, why not check out some of the events below? Remember to socially distance and dress warmly for the colder weather! *…

Cultural Calendar

Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth of Nations, of which Canada is a member. It was originally created to honour the veterans of the First World War, and was extended to honour veterans of all wars. On that day, wear a poppy and find or watch online a Remembrance Day ceremony near you.…

Cultural Calendar

We’re in the throes of Autumn now, with the falling brown leaves, the shorter days and the smell of pumpkin in the air! Why not check out some of these events happening in the next several days? Stay safe and have a ‘boo’-tiful Halloween everyone! * * * Eerie Illusions Oct. 22–31 This October,…

Cultural Calendar

I hope everyone is enjoying the crisp autumn weather. The pandemic is still ongoing unfortunately, so many of the events below are either online, outside or have reduced in-person capacity. As always, keep safe and stay vigilant. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! * * * Surrey Art Gallery: Phyllis Atkins and Sandeep Johal Sep. 1–Dec.…

Cultural Calendar

Welcome to Autumn 2021 everyone. Another summer has come and gone, the Canadian federal election has just concluded and the fourth wave of COVID is going strong in parts of the country. It’s been a tiring slog, but we have to keep going, try to keep healthy and stay home if you’re feeling ill or…

Cultural Calendar

September is here and it’s back to school, but not quite back to normalcy. With the fourth wave here and rising COVID-19 case counts due to the Delta variant, we’re not out of the woods yet with this global pandemic. As always, wash hands, wear a mask indoors and stay safe everyone! * * *…

Cultural Calendar

I hope everyone has been having a great summer so far. The weather has been hot and sunny, perfect to go out and explore the bountiful nature the province has to offer. While there was a summer drop, where COVID seemed to recede into the background for a while, the fourth wave of the global…

Cultural Calendar

The dog days of summer are here in B.C. with record-breaking hot temperatures and extreme wildfires, especially in the Interior region. Whatever you do this summer, have fun, stay cool and I’ll see you in late August! * * * 2021 Korean Film Festival July 1–10 The third annual Korean Film Festival will be…

Cultural Calendar

The summer is finally here and with B.C. moving to step two of the B.C. Restart Plan, we are able to travel around the province recreationally! So feel free to go out, travel and enjoy the natural beauty of our province. But there’s also time to enjoy a few activities online as well. It’s been…

Cultural Calendar

June is National Indigenous History Month, where Canadians commemorate the heritage and diversity of Canada’s First Nations people, so why not go out or online to explore their rich tapestry and cultural contributions? Also, Father’s Day and the beginning of the summer solstice happen on the same day this year, June 20 – take Dad…

Cultural Calendar

It’s June, and the summer season is right around the corner! As we emerge from the third wave of the pandemic with more people being vaccinated and lockdown restrictions are being relaxed, activities and events may start to re-open again – here’s hoping that we have as close to a normal summer as we can!…