Cultural Calendar

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was the first Canadian monarch to rule over a united self-governing Dominion of Canada from 1867 to her death in 1901. After her death, Victoria Day as a federal holiday was made law and subsequently expanded to celebrate the official birthday of the Canadian…

Cultural Calendar

With the new province-wide B.C. lockdown restrictions in place, many in-person cultural events have been curtailed or cancelled and several events have moved online. Adhere to COVID-19 protocols and maintain social distancing when going out – stay at home if you are feeling sick. Stay safe everyone and let’s get through this! * * *…

Cultural Calendar

The coming third wave of the pandemic has forced another lockdown in B.C., which means fewer in-person events and festivals to go to. But we all know the drill: observe social distancing, go out for essentials only and enjoy events and activities from the comfort of your home. Follow the directives of the Office of…

Cultural Calendar

The Spring of 2021 is here! Can you believe that it’s been one full year since the pandemic arrived in North America and upended our way of life? Social distancing, Zoom and virtual events have become very much a part of our common vocabulary. But still we have to stay the course. With vaccines becoming…

Cultural Calendar

Spring begins on March 20 this year! Celebrate the start of spring with some delightful film festivals, music and dance. Alas, since the coronavirus is still around, many of the events and festivals are still being hosted virtually. But, you can take your laptop, find a socially distant area outside and enjoy some of the…

Cultural Calendar

Spring is just around the corner! Soon you will be able to frolic outside while the cherry blossoms are in bloom, the warm spring sun shines down on you and the allergies return. But in the meantime, there’s still one more month of winter left, it’s not that warm out yet and there’s a pandemic…

Cultural Calendar

Family Day, Valentine’s Day and the Lunar New Year all happen this month, which would normally mean there’d be lots of events and festivals happening. But, since this is 2021 and the world is still in a pandemic… well, let’s just say there are still a lot of online events and activities to check out.…

Cultural Calendar

I hope everyone’s 2021 is going well so far! It’s cold and COVID is still out there, so try to stay warm and check out some of the events and festivals happening online from the comfort of your home. * * * Vancouver Short Film Festival 2021 Available now until Jan. 31 The best…

Cultural Calendar

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021! Even though many of 2020’s problems continue this year, here’s hoping a new year brings with it a new perspective and better changes over the next 12 months! Below are just a few of the many online events, exhibits and activities available for you to view and check out from the…

Cultural Calendar

This has been a trying year for cultural activities. The last cultural calendar of the year should and would be full of Christmas, New Year and other holiday festivals and events for the whole family. Sadly, the spike in coronavirus cases in British Columbia has reduced or cancelled many of those in-person family events. Still,…

Cultural Calendar

Not only is it cold and rainy outside, but sadly the pandemic is still going on. Unlike past years where I would have recommended everyone to get together and partake in holiday cheer and festive events around town, for this year I encourage everyone to keep warm inside at home with their loved ones, and…

Cultural Calendar

The nights will be colder and darker this month – make sure to dress warmly if you’re going out. A lot of the events below are being held virtually online, with a limited number of socially distant events. As we are in the midst of the second wave of coronavirus in British Columbia, please follow…

Cultural Calendar

Because of the ongoing second wave of coronavirus, many events and festivals are being hosted online or are socially distant – below are a sampling of some of the activities happening in the next two weeks. Stay safe and healthy and have a great Halloween! * * * Suitcase Stories Now until Oct. 25 Pacific…