Cultural Calendar

Canada’s second wave of coronavirus is here and we definitely need to buckle down and stay the course with social distancing, just as we did in the spring. Check out the many events and festivals hosting activities online or adhering to current COVID-19 health and safety protocols. We’re in this together – let’s get through…

Cultural Calendar

I hope you all had as great a summer as you could in the spectre of the coronavirus. With the passing of the Autumnal Equinox, fall 2020 is finally here – and like the spring and summer, many events have been postponed or cancelled. The world has gotten used to hosting more online and fewer…

Cultural Calendar

The beginning of September signifies the twilight of summer – the Fall Equinox happens two weeks from Labour Day – so get out and enjoy that summer weather while you still can! Remember to maintain social distance and attend outdoor activities when possible. But if you decide to stay in, check out the many digital…

Cultural Calendar

I hope everyone has been staying safe and healthy over the summer break. Despite the ongoing global pandemic and the threat of a COVID spike, many places around the city have been endeavouring to strike a balance between reopening parts of the arts and culture industry to guests and maintaining physical distance as much as…

Cultural Calendar

I have to be honest with you: I didn’t expect the summer of 2020 to be like this back in January. I was hoping to be visiting Eastern Canada again; maybe travelling abroad to Japan too. While travelling restrictions may slowly be lifted over the summer, it’s not quite the same! Still, I have to…

Cultural Calendar

The summer is here! Like summers past, the days are longer, warmer and sunnier, but unlike past summers, we still have the spectre of the global pandemic hanging over us. While social distancing has relaxed in British Columbia, large gatherings, events and festivals will still be mostly online. So, go out and enjoy the sun,…

Cultural Calendar

With all that’s been happening in the world, with the ongoing pandemic, the social unrest happening in the United States and the ensuing economic turmoil that will affect the world, can we just skip the rest of 2020? For this cultural calendar, I’ve compiled a list of online activities that are taking place from around…

Cultural Calendar

The Spring of 2020 has definitely been a spring for the history books. Arts and culture has taken a backseat to ensure the health and safety of patrons during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, after almost three months of lockdown, the Government of B.C. will implement Phase Two of their Restart Plan to re-open museums, art…

Cultural Calendar

Can you believe we’ve been social distancing for two months now? Places and venues around Metro Vancouver are slowly adjusting to our physical absence and are hosting some of their events and resources online, publishing their curated resources digitally or hosting live events via video conferencing platforms like Zoom and BlueJeans. Check out the digital…

Cultural Calendar

Hi everyone! I know the weather has been nice lately, but we definitely have to maintain our social distance to keep the spread of the coronavirus at bay. Keep safe everyone and stay the course! As mentioned in prior calendars, events and festivals around the city have been cancelled to follow the directives of the…

Cultural Calendar

Hello everyone, I hope you and your family are safe at home during this unprecedented global health crisis. Events and festivals around town have been cancelled to follow the directives of the B.C. Office of the Provincial Health Officer and maintain social distancing. So to continue with stay-at-home themes, I’ve compiled a small list of…

Cultural Calendar

My friends, I hope you’re staying safe amid the COVID-19 global pandemic that has been sweeping the world. This is the first Cultural Calendar that I can’t recommend you “go and check out some of the festivals and events happening around town,” because many events and social gatherings have been postponed or cancelled in order…

Cultural Calendar

In his book Great Expectations, Charles Dickens wrote that a March day was “when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” That dichotomy really encapsulates the spring season – at times warm and sunny, and other times cold and rainy; hopefully, this…