Cultural Calendar

Are you done with the cold weather? I sure am. The spring season is right around the corner and though I loathe to swap a cold weather season for an allergy season, I could use some more sun and warmth right about now. If you’re like me and have been hibernating all winter, hopefully one…

Cultural Calendar

Welcome to February – one month down in the new year, 11 more to go! Some of the events happening this month include Family Day, Valentine’s Day and Black History Month! Celebrate them with your friends, family and loved ones by exploring the many dancing performances, roundtables, film fests, theatrical plays and operas happening throughout…

Cultural Calendar

Brrr! I hope everyone was warm and safe during the snowfall we had earlier this month. Hopefully, the weather will be warmer as we celebrate the Lunar New Year, happening on Jan. 25. Usher in the Year of the Rat by attending some of the many events and festivals happening around Metro Vancouver! Other than…

Cultural Calendar

Welcome to 2020, a brand new year – but is it also a brand new decade? There are two schools of thought on the matter: some people think a new decade starts in 2020, others think it starts in 2021. Canada’s National Research Council argues that because there is no year zero in the Gregorian…

Cultural Calendar

Here we are friends – the last Cultural Calendar of 2019 and the 2010s decade. Close out the decade in style with a little holiday cheer. From seasonal music, dance and theatre to Christmas festivals and New Year celebrations, it will be a cold but lively winter in Vancouver. Have a happy new year everyone.…

Cultural Calendar

This is the penultimate cultural calendar for 2019 and for the 2010s decade – get ready to close out the year and the decade in style! From theatre and musical performances to the many Christmas festivals and markets happening, there are plenty of events to check out around town. * * * The Father: A…

Cultural Calendar

In 1919, the first Remembrance Day (then called Armistice Day) was observed throughout the British Empire, of which Canada was then a part. It commemorated the anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. One hundred years since, the day has been used to honour Canadians who served in the armed forces risking…

Cultural Calendar

Another edition of The Source’s Cultural Calendar is here, featuring a sampling of events, activities and festivals happening in and around Metro Vancouver to help you decide what you would like to do! Whether you like to listen to music, drink tea, watch the stars or just spend some quality time with the family, this…

Cultural Calendar

Thanksgiving in Canada occurs in October, unlike the United States’ holiday of the same name in November. Canadian Thanksgiving has a long history – the Indigenous peoples’ communal feasts celebrated the autumn harvests including prayer, dance and potlatch long before the arrival of European settlers. Sir Martin Frobisher in 1578 and Samuel de Champlain in…

Cultural Calendar

Autumn, my favourite season, is here. Enjoy the crisp weather by checking out the many events and festivals happening all across Metro Vancouver. The Vancouver International Film Festival is probably among the biggest events happening right now, but why not also check out some of the other events such as Word Vancouver, Craft Beer Week and…

Cultural Calendar

From art gallery openings and theatrical performances to the moon festival to cultural gatherings, enjoy the last days of summer 2019 by attending some of the many events and festivals happening around the city. Autumn begins on the fall equinox: Sept. 23. See you then! * * * 2019 Mid-Autumn Moon Festival: Tea & The Moon…

Cultural Calendar

I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy their summer. I definitely had fun! The end of August and the beginning of September mark the final leg of this year’s summer season. Many cultural events and festivals are squeezed in on Labour Day weekend in order to get in as many participants as possible before school…

Cultural Calendar

The summer season is in full swing and I trust everyone has a great summer planned! There is a sampling of events to check out below; there are a lot of things to do this season. For me, I’m heading to Quebec City for some much needed rest and relaxation. Whatever you plan to do,…