Garden becomes symbol of homecoming

For just over a month the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden will host Coming Home: Traditions of Chinese New Year, which will both educate and allow visitors to experience the traditions and customs surrounding this important celebration. The celebration kicks off on Jan. 17 at the Garden. Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, one…

Volunteering provides opportunities to create global impact

The Kitsilano Library will be holding a monthly speaker series where speakers will share their personal experiences with global development. The series titled Together: Stories about the Impact of Global Development, is presented in partnership with Aga Khan Foundation Canada and runs until May. Tina Parbhakar is slated to be a future speaker. Parbhakar is…

Giving voice to our history

A panel of Japanese-Canadians will share their firsthand experiences of losing their homes, internment and separation from their family. Landscapes of Injustice (LoI) will present “Memories of Internment and Dispossession” on Jan. 14 in the Central Branch of the Vancouver Public Library (VPL). Stanger-Ross, professor of history at University of Victoria and project director of…

Questioning boxes, borders and invisible lines

Curators spend time collaborating with communities to ensure each object accurately reflects the community of origin’s national history.  “The public doesn’t question the ways in which objects are displayed in museums – visitors don’t see how borders of identity are fluid, and not always divided into neat little boxes,” says Allison Adler, a UBC graduate…

Teaching children human rights through play

The Britannia Community Services Centre recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of Play It Fair!, an educational program developed by Equitas, a Canadian non-profit organization whose mandate is to promote equality, social justice and human rights throughout Canada and the world. The Play It Fair! Toolkit aims to teach children aged six to 12 human rights…

Greek Christmas traditions focus on family and food

Unlike North American Christmas traditions, Greek Christmas traditions are rooted in religion, and it continues to be a heavily religious holiday today. Christougena, which translates to “time of Christ,” is the second most important religious holiday in Greece after Easter. The holiday is a month-long celebration and starts on Dec. 6 (St. Nicholas Day) and…

Discussing how culture affects daily life

In light of a fast-growing multicultural community, the City Philosopher Cafes will explore culture – specifically if it is something someone is born into, or if it can be learned or borrowed. Magdalena Mot and Mayyahah Al-ani will moderate the event (Dec. 14).  The monthly inclusive talks were created in partnership between Surrey Local Immigration…

A treasure trove of stories – gifts from an elder generation

Organized by the Canada Indonesia Diaspora Society (CIDS), the LANSIA Oral History Project grew from a community’s hope to preserve the stories of their elder generation. Launched in May 2016, the project aims to interview 25 Canadian-Indonesian elders who emigrated between the late 1950s to the early 1970s. The stories about their long journey from…

Japanese rice-pounding event rings in the New Year

Together with many Japanese and Japanese-Canadian households and community groups, the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre Auxiliary in Burnaby will hold an event near the start of the New Year: the annual tradition of Mochitsuki, or rice pounding, to make mochi or rice cakes from steamed sweet rice. Frank Kamiya, a semi-retired architect and…

#WTF – waking the feminists, the Irish way

Simon Fraser University (SFU) Lecture Series presents Waking the Feminists: 2016’s Irish Theatre Revolution on Dec. 1 at the SFU Harbour Centre campus. Guest speaker Emer O’Toole, professor of Irish Canadian Studies at the University of Concordia, will explore Ireland’s revolutionary history and the role of theatre in shaping its politics.  Ireland’s national Abbey Theatre…

Conference gives voice to migrant youth in B.C.

Funded by the largest community foundation in Canada, Vancouver Foundation, Fresh Voices works to improve the experience of immigrants, refugees and other newcomer groups in B.C. Vancouver Foundation, who has a focus in youth engagement, recognized that the need to engross youth from the immigrant and refugee community exists. “We thought that it was important…

Children demonstrate Bosnian folk dance at an event put on by the BHCCVC. | Photo courtesy of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian Cultural Center Canada Society

Bosnian community finds peace

Established in 2009, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian Cultural Center Canada Society (BHCCVC) is an organization dedicated to bringing the Bosnian community of the Lower Mainland and the rest of B.C. together. The Society’s purpose is to help keep their cultural traditions and practices alive while cultivating a sense of togetherness among its members and the…

Global citizenship engages us all. | Photo by the city of Surry

Global citizenship: something to talk about

Global citizens, according to the NGO Global Citizens Initiative, are those who identify beyond their own country’s physical and cultural borders with a more international community. Are we all global citizens? Should we be? The tough questions of how humanity should feel about itself at home and on an international scale will be tackled in…