Arabic speakers find more than books at Surrey facilities

Immigrants unfamiliar with North American culture and possessing minimal English skills discover living in Metro Vancouver is comprised of many insurmountable practical tasks. In Surrey, Options Community Services assists immigrants with these tasks and acquaints them with North American culture through the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Settlement Program. The program branched out in 2011,…

Ancient Oriental wisdom meets modern occidental thought

Practicing meditation through yoga or tai chi in parks or watching TV shows on how to “feng shui” your house is not an unusual thing in Vancouver life. Ancient Chinese wisdom originating from Confucianism are indeed making a noticeable comeback in modern society, usually in association with a healthy lifestyle. In China, the statues of…

New project aimed at accommodating LGBTQ newcomers

MOSAIC Settlement Services has long worked to help refugees and immigrants overcome social and material obstacles during their settlement in Canadian society. The organization now aims to take its commitment to promoting greater and more equal access to employment resources a step further, by implementing a settlement program to identify the needs of LGBTQ newcomers.…

A chemical approach to policy

Bringing together students, researchers and community members, SFU invites the public to attend The Global Supply Chain on Oct. 2 as part of its Philosopher’s Café series. The series signals a shift toward increased interdisciplinary collaboration, a topic discussed in the upcoming forum. Simon Fraser University researcher Luis Sojo has an enduring interest in the…

Charting the moral terrain at the Philosophers’ Café

Since 1998, Simon Fraser University’s Continuing Studies program Philosophers’ Café has tackled topics ranging from the metaphysical to the mundane. Over the next several months, cafes, libraries and community centres around Metro Vancouver will host forums for intellectual discussion, debate and dialogue between philosophers and non-philosophers alike ontopics including digital privacy and the nature of…

A new era of open education

Receiving individual course credits or a certificate from Yale, Cambridge or Harvard for free and without even leaving home is now possible. The growing trend of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) makes a wide range of lessons free and available to almost everyone with internet access. Whether you are in Paris, Kuala Lumpur or Richmond,…

SDC Blue Ribbon Foundation: Spreading compassion for disabled youth

Empowering children with learning disabilities is the backbone ideal to the SDC Blue Ribbon Foundation – a youth driven non-profit organization that uses integrative programs and activities to foster relationships. The organization’s youth leaders first established a legacy of compassion in the Greater Vancouver area, and operations have since expanded to the international level. A…

Women find guiding light in Shashi Assanand

Domestic violence is an issue that plagues many women and communities, and Shashi Assanand has founded the Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society (VLMMFSS) to specifically tackle domestic violence in immigrant populations.