A garden revolution in Vancouver

It is hard to imagine Vancouver without community gardens, but Joanne Hochu, a founding member of Strathcona Gardens, remembers when the idea was met with confusion and resistance. In 1985, Hochu and a group of community members established Vancouver’s first community garden.

Kitsilano Neighbourhood Welcomes The World

For Michele Fayadas, adjusting to life and a foreign language in Vancouver are still struggles. Originally from France, she left Paris in 2004 to immigrate to Canada with her husband because of safety issues and economic concerns.

Modelling industry descends on Vancouver for fresh faces

There is a growing demand for ethnic faces in the modeling industry, and Vancouver’s eclectic culture provides some of the most diverse-looking models sought after by agencies around the world.

“We have a wonderful melting pot here,” says Tricia Romani, 41, owner and agency director of Vancouver-based InspirationALL Talent and Modeling Group. “Through the generations we’re seeing a lot more mixed partnerships and marriages, and we’re getting more and more children coming up that are mixed races.”

Ismailis walk with the YWCA to create community awareness

For 21-year-old Salina Dhar-amsi, a member of the Ismaili community in Vancouver, volunteering started early. She was eight years old when she first helped out at her local mosque. It was something that anchored her, she says, and enabled her to give back to her mosque and the community at large.

Salomé Fornier Hanlon. Photo courtesy of North Shore Folk Fest

Being a part of a group can be the best vehicle for change

Salomé Fornier Hanlon, 23, was born and raised in North Vancouver. She is the treasurer of the North Vancouver Folkfest, a festival that has been running since 1974. Folkfest aims to preserve, promote and enrich cultural identities while promoting greater cultural interaction among ethnic groups and by including as many ethno-cultural people in one place as possible.

Photo courtesy of Italian Day Festival Society

Italians continue to drive history

On Sunday, June 10, “Little Italy” on Commercial Drive will spring to life in an extravaganza of food, music, dance, art, sport, and entertainment. “This is an opportunity,” Brunella Gaudio of the Italian Day Festival Society says, “to revive and remind people of the Italian heritage and culture in Vancouver, and to recognize the accomplishments of the new generation of Italian-Canadians.” [Read more…]

Maura De Freitas

Canadian Celtic Connections

Legend has it that when St. Patrick returned to Ireland as a Bishop in 432 AD, he used the shamrock to explain the Trinity of God to the Irish. Little did he know the tiny green leaf would become an iconic symbol for much more than the explanation of the divine, it would become an emblem every March 17 when people can don green and pretend to be Irish. Little did he know the tiny green leaf would become an iconic symbol. [Read more…]