Toy makers carve out simplicity

British-born Canadian Gary Owens is a self-taught toy maker who looks forward to the Christmas season each year. Owens casual hobby as a toy maker quickly grew into a successful home business, and then into the internationally renowned Tuff Toys store, established in 1987.

Chinatown’s past making way for the future

Jordan Eng, Vice President of the Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Association (VCBIA), is part of a group involved with the city council that is planning to bring new life to one of Vancouver’s oldest districts.

Newcomers break bad recycling habits

Takako Kobayashi, is a Japanese international student, who moved to Vancouver six months ago to learn English. She believes that Japan has a better recycling system than Vancouver, and that Vancouver should have programs educating newcomers about being green and how to recycle effectively.

Mothers help Ukrainian girl battle leukemia

Leanna Maslyuk, and six local mothers have formed a group called the Veronika Children Leukemia Foundation. They created this organization to help children in need of medical care in former Soviet Union countries, like Ukraine.

Waving flags on Sait-Jean Baptite day. Photo by Fritz Maingrette, Flickr

Saint-Jean Baptiste Day lands in the West

If you find yourself in downtown Montreal this June 24th, you will see large crowds of Quebecois waving flags and singing songs with gusto. What you will be observing is not the latest student protest, but rather the celebration of Saint-Jean Baptiste Day, Quebec’s fête nationale (national holiday).