How to bake a financier

Be whisked away on a European adventure full of class, elegance and dainty desserts all from the comfort of your own home. Betty Hung, co-owner and head pastry chef of the French-inspired Beaucoup Bakery, is reaching new heights with not only her delicious pastries but by sharing her love of baking with children through UBC’s…

Cultural Spotlight – The Hands of Knowledge: female perspective

“The fact that these are women doing this work is great because look at the work, it’s phenomenal,” says artist Joanne Finlay. “It’s the knowledge that they carry, it’s the patience that they have.” An exhibition curated by Finlay, titled The Hands of Knowledge, showcases, until Sept. 26, the work of six Indigenous women at…

Beyond the buzzwords: conversations on diversity, equity and inclusion

“Over the past year, the Black Lives Matter movement [and] the Indigenous movement have both created an opportunity to publicly acknowledge systemic racism and have deeper conversations on it,” says Sangeeta Subramanian, founder of Chetana Consulting, a firm specializing in equity, diversity and inclusion. There have been conversations around diversity and inclusion in Canada for…

Cultural Spotlight: Podcasting: space and storytelling

Podcasting has been growing as a media format. Inspired by oral storytelling, Darylina Powderface will be joining it this summer with Aiysiniiksin: Keeping the Tradition Alive. “I want to see more Indigenous love and joy and I think there is room for that,” says Darylina Powderface. Part of the podcast’s title, Aiysiniiksin, is a word…

Looking at immigration through the occupational lens

Immigrants have been an integral part of Canada’s mosaic cultural landscape for a very long time, and recently, innovative researchers have been asking some thoughtful new questions about the immigrant experience in the last few decades. How have changes and challenges in the new environment impacted their psychological wellbeing? How can policies help immigrants to…

Cultural Spotlight – Cross-cultural writing: the exchange and combination of writing and knowledge

Despite younger generations reading less in general, Shuyu Kong believes that storytelling and sharing those stories will endure. The Chinese/Canadian Writing Speaker Series, after three successful events, will display the final event June 18 showcasing the benefits of writers crossing cultural lines to create unique and successful works of literature for readers across the world.…

When digital citizens meet internet memes

Why do people use and create internet memes? Can you trace the impact of internet memes offline? How does an internet meme circulate and evolve into different versions? Should we set a boundary on internet memes? Bonnie Tulloch, a doctoral student at the iSchool at UBC, has been exploring the answers to some of these…

Cultural Spotlight – What do babies know about numbers?

The UBC Early Development Research Group (EDRG) will host their latest Wonder Kids talk with associate professor and developmental psychologist Darko Odic (PhD) on May 29. The webinar will explore the fascinating world of numbers and math concepts that infants can understand. Odic has always been passionate in revealing through research the way that infants…

Ubuntu: a philosophy of care and community

Trophy Ewila and Lady Dia believe that Ubuntu – seeking a community where members each have space to shine their own light without diminishing another’s light – is key to rejecting the cultural norms of White supremacy. Ubuntu will be put into action with the upcoming workshop, “I Am Because You Are vs I Am…

Cultivating social trust at the intersection of race and sexuality

“Art and love are powerful mechanisms that impact change,’’ says Jen Sungshine, co-creative director and founder of Love Intersections. Sungshine, a queer Taiwanese interdisciplinary artist and activist, says Vancouver’s Love Intersections is a media arts collective dedicated to collaborative filmmaking and relational storytelling. “We are not single-issue people who lead single-issue lives,” says Sunghine. “As…