Mobile app keeps seniors healthy at home

Caren, a mobile application available on both Android Apps and the App Store, offers families a virtual tool to care for aging parents. The application customizes and stores client medical information and preferences in any language to support caregivers and family members. “People in care often need routine and consistency to reduce anxiety,” says Christina…

A celebration of Vietnamese heritage

In celebration of Vietnam’s culture and heritage, the Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage Society (SEACHS) will be holding Mai Dao: A Glimpse into Vietnamese Culture at the Norman Rothstein Theater on Oct. 27. Reminiscing on his time in Vietnam, Mai Dao theatre director Dennis Gupta says he is fond of Vietnamese water puppet show, which is what first introduced him…

Refugees share their stories of struggle and success in resettlement

The Unique Lived Experiences of Refugees in Metro Vancouver, A Public Forum, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 10 a.m.–3:30 p,m, at MOSAIC located at 5575 Boundary Road in Vancouver. The forum aims to highlight the contributions and resettlement experiences of refugees who put down new roots in Metro Vancouver. “Each refugee who…

Vikings in Vancouver

Leif Erikson’s legendary voyage from Iceland to North America around the year 1000 was arguably the first time a European set foot on North American shores. This trip, and the subsequent history of Vikings in North America, is shrouded in myth, say Judith Anderson and Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. “There’s no doubt that [Leif Erikson] existed and…

How children can make silenced voices heard

UBC Public Scholars Award recipient Claudia Diaz worked as a manager of social education programs in Chilean inner city schools before moving to Canada for graduate school, including a PhD in Educational Studies at UBC. Her current research addresses the silenced presence of Indigenous people in B.C. and proposes ways of making their voices heard…

The humour revolution

“A dad asks his son: ‘Son, when you grow up who do you think you want to marry?’ The boy goes, ‘I want to marry Granny, she loves me the most!’ The dad says, ‘you can’t marry Granny, don’t you know she’s my mother?’ And the boy replies, ‘Well, you married my mother, why can’t…

In/Flux: Art of Korean Diaspora

The Museum of Vancouver and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Vancouver have joined forces to showcase artwork by three Korean-Canadian artists living and working in Vancouver. The exhibition artfully blends traditional and contemporary concepts as a means of contemplating place, history, migration and identity. In/Flux: Art of Korean Diaspora will be…

A look at the Slovak community

The Slovak community in Vancouver is small and close-knit. “When we quizzed people about the estimated size of this community in the lower Mainland, we got numbers ranging from 2,000–20,000,” chuckles Jozef Starosta, a member of the local Slovak community of Coquitlam and New Westminster and founder of Slovo z Britskej Kolumbie magazine. “But the…

Satellite kids: negotiating two worlds

Mainland Chinese people have been emigrating from China for years, and yet, the recent experiences of mainland Chinese immigrant families have been largely ignored, says Henry Li. “[Mainland Chinese] make up the biggest group of incoming immigrants into Canada for the last 10 years,” says Li, a Master’s student in Simon Fraser’s sociology department who…

“Digital natives” don’t all speak the same language

UBC Public Scholars Award recipient Ron Darvin is researching the diverse ways in which students use technology. His work explores the potential impact that varying levels of digital literacy has in society. Darvin worked as a language instructor, teacher trainer and university lecturer in Manila, capital of the Philippines, and Vancouver before returning to school…

Cultural intelligence builds empathy

Progressive organizations across Canada engage employees through diversity and inclusion programs. “The business community is motivated to develop intercultural competency (IC),” says Taslim Damji, an intercultural practitioner and core developer and facilitator for MOSAIC, Multi-lingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities. Understanding cultural diversity and learning to empathize and embrace different behaviours is key to…

A sweet and Jewish September

Sept. 9 marks the beginning of the three-day Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It’s a time when connections are strengthened, when Jews think about how ties bind them to others in Jewish society and to the environment sustaining that society, says Michael Schwartz. “New Year’s in a secular culture is just ‘get drunk and…

Exploring Muslim youth identities and their sense of belonging in Canada

With the growing number of Muslims in Canadian schools, Neila Miled, a PhD Candidate of the Faculty of Education at UBC, explores how Muslim youth negotiate their identities as Muslims and Canadians. She looks at how they express their sense of belonging in Canada, particularly in Metro Vancouver. Miled was born and raised in Tunisia,…