A SensaBus to make a difference to kids with autism

Trish Mandewo oozes sheer bliss when she recalls a conversation on her Facebook Messenger. A couple of years ago, the owner of the Vancouver Tumblebus got a message from the mother of an autistic girl.  “Mama, look at the Tumblebus,” Mandewo says of what she’s told by the mom. Over the years, the tender six-year-old…

Colouring the world, one cloth at a time

In Chinese, Maiwa means beautiful language or language of the arts. Maiwa is also the name of a foundation that operates around the world. A school of textiles loved by Vancouverites also bears the same name. It all began with a family’s passion for cloth, time and colours in 1986. Earlier in her life, Charllotte…

An upward spiral to success

Every year for the past nine years, the RBC Royal Bank and the Canadian Immigrant magazine co-present the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants awards. The awards celebrate the achievements of Canadian newcomers and their contribution to Canadian society. For Dr. Muhammad Morshed, Program Head of Zoonotic Diseases & Emerging Pathogens at the BC Centre for Disease…

Immigrant service agency CEO wins YWCA Women of Distinction award

“I felt so proud of women that are in service organizations. I not only represented them but I also represented the staff at ISSofBC,” says Patricia Woroch, a recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction Award, which was held on May 29, 2017. Woroch, CEO of Immigrant Services Society of B.C. (ISSofBC) won the award…

A home abroad: Latin American presence in B.C.

Roots and Ties: 150 Years of Canadian and Latin History will be held on June 30. The event takes place at the Waterfront Theatre on Granville Island in conjunction with Carnaval del Sol’s Latin American Week which runs from June 30–July 9. Admission to Roots and Ties is free. “We are a very young group…

Autism can include happiness, belonging and positive health

Jonathan Weiss, PhD., is an associate professor and chair in Autism Spectrum, Disorders Treatment and Care Research at York University. As a summer scholar for the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, he looks forward to collaborating with researchers in his field, teaching graduate students, and sharing his learning through public outreach.…

Indigenous Two-Spirit artists rebuild identity through art

Vanessa Dion Fletcher offers a dialogue on menstruation, a formerly taboo subject in First Nations communities. Art installation by Alicia Everett. | Photo courtesy of Vanessa Dion Fletcher Every June, rainbow flags fly with pride as the sun shines on Vancouver. This June, however, the ceremony takes on a new look as Adrian Stimson, an Indigenous Two-Spirit…

Summer jobs light up career paths

For many youth, the transition from studying to beginning a professional career starts with summer employment. According to Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey of youth aged between 15 and 24, roughly 54% of the 2.8 million students in Canada were employed in the peak summer employment months of July and August last year. Working over…

Beware of hidden wishes

Psychoanalyst Hilda Fernandez Alvarez is giving a talk this fall about the dangers of falling into consensus when resisting oppression. The lecture, originally slated for June, will be given as part of the Spectre of Fascism Free School organized by professor Samir Gandhesha and poet Stephen Collis for the SFU Institute of Humanities. The purpose…

Indigenous and Japanese warriorship weigh in on leadership development

The concept of warriorship is brought up for the first time in a community feast at Test Kitchen, Theatre Playwrights Centre (June 8). Conversation will be held around the role warriorship plays in leadership development.  “We are at a time that calls on our best selves to lead with courage, compassion and fierce determination rooted…

Cultural Intelligence – A new life skill

Progressive organizations across Canada engage employees through diversity and inclusion programs. “The business community is motivated to develop intercultural competency (IC),” says Taslim Damji, an intercultural practitioner and core developer and facilitator for MOSAIC, Multi-lingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities. Understanding cultural diversity and learning to empathize and embrace different behaviours is key to…

Fostering connection through art and culture

In the 18th century, salons allowed individuals to come together and discuss ideas. Salimah Ebrahim will be speaking about her work as a journalist and her start-up Artery at Vancouver Playhouse Theatre’s next Public Salon on June 7. “The idea is for people to connect to the real culture of a place and use Artery…

Learning Through the Arts (LTTA): a refuge for refugees

Maher Bahloul, University of British Columbia (UBC)’s visiting linguistics professor from The American University of Sharjah, Dubai, has constructed a Learning Through the Arts (LTTA) proposal for refugees. The concept of Bahloul’s proposal Meaningful Integration of Syrian Refugees: Targeting the Artists is based on several factors, including the recent arrival of Syrian Refugees in Canada…