Health advocates embrace cultural communities

As the city of Vancouver grows in cultural diversity, so do programs aimed at helping members of diverse cultural communities to take their health into their own hands, by providing both the knowledge and necessary tools to do so. The Healthy Living Program, run by Vancouver Coastal Health staff, is developing strategies to reach out…

The new face of the Nepalese community in Vancouver

The late 1980s saw a small group of Nepalese make a new life in Vancouver. What began as a migration of highly skilled professionals is now expanding to include young students, entrepreneurs and those looking for a different kind of lifestyle. Pradeep Sharma and Khem Dahal share how the Nepalese community has grown and what…

A new perspective on diversity in North Vancouver

Neonology is a series of youth workshops that shines a light on discrimination and the power we all have to fight it. The workshops are held in North Vancouver throughout the year to help students deal with diversity-related issues. Kids from elementary and high school engage in playful activities that promote discussions around stereotypes, bias,…

Unearthing ancient ideas at Langara’s Philosophers’ Jam

At an upcoming Langara Philosophers’ Jam event, guest speaker Michael Griffin will be sharing his passion for ancient Greek philosophy and offering a chance to gain insights into the question: “Can ancient ideas make us happy?”  The Jan. 15 public forum will begin with a presentation by Griffin, who is an assistant professor of classics…

An old math tool for a new generation

A second-generation soroban teacher, Norie Ikoma, is delivering abacus training to Vancouverites seeking to improve their math skills and learn more about the computational method’s cultural roots. Although the Japanese abacus, the soroban, is still a widely used tool for enhancing mental dexterity in Japan’s jukus, or special subject “cram” schools, it is relatively uncommon…

Living the curriculum: an Italian-inspired approach to learning

Susan Hoppenfeld, a Vancouver childhood educator for over 30 years, used to sit with teachers each August and work on their back-to-school lesson plans. Hoppenfeld says this form of instruction wasn’t helpful for her or her fellow teachers, and hopes that a long-established Italian approach will make a difference.  “We didn’t even know the kids,”…

CiTR: Broadcasting diverse news and music from UBC

Produced out of a studio at UBC’s student union building, the CiTR radio station (101.9FM) was created as an outlet for students to discuss life on campus and local news around the university. Today, the CiTR hosts over 90 diverse music and talk programs that represent different voices in the community. According to Brenda Grunau,…

Oral history project shares stories from Iranian community

Sharing Our Stories, an exhibit at the North Vancouver Museum and Archives (NVMA), features the stories and objects of 12 Iranians living on the North Shore. Recognizing the large presence of the Iranian community, the NVMA’s assistant director, Shirley Sutherland, and her colleagues formed an advisory committee to investigate how the members of the Iranian…

Tomas Avendano wins Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism

Tomas Avendano, co-founder of Multicultural Helping House Society in East Vancouver is this year’s recipient of the Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism. When he moved to Canada from the Philippines, he experienced first-hand the hard realities of an immigrant’s life here. He says this inspired him to help immigrants integrate into Canadian society. On October…

Queer Box Camp: Imparting the sweet science in a fresh space

Queer Box Camp establishes a unique atmosphere for learning boxing techniques and staying fit in East Vancouver. Coach River Tucker sees the club’s alternative environment as an accessible space for those who do not feel comfortable in traditional boxing environments. “It’s really about having a more open space, mostly in terms of gender identities,” says…

Fighting to the sound of Brazilian Music in Richmond

Philip Gensaya, a pupil of Contra-Mestre Barrãozinho teaches capoeira, a Brazilian martial art, in Richmond. He’s been spreading his teachings throughout the city for about four years. His students not only learn how to fight, but also how to play musical instruments and dance to the rhythm of Afro-Brazilian music. Capoeira, a martial art that…