Friday February 14 2025
Monday January 7 2013 at 21:36 | updated at January 17 2025 16:58 Culture

Cultural Calendar

Ride the Cyclone | Photo by Fairen Berchard
Ride the Cyclone | Photo by Fairen Berchard
Cultural Calendar
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There’s still opportunity for some holiday cheer as the 6th Annual Russian Christmas will be happening this month. Other notable events include the theatrical performance, The Theory of Everything, and events that raise environmental awareness, Whale Shark Ecotourism in the Philippines, and Workshop: Energy Tonics.

Haiti: Where did the Money Go?
Haiti Solidarity BC

Wednesday, January 9, 6:30 p.m.
Vancity Theatre
1181 Seymour St., Vancouver

Documentary about post-earthquake Haiti, followed by a panel discussion with the director, Michelle Mitchell, Haiti aid and solidarity workers. Tickets $12.

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The Theory of Everything
Vancouver Asian

Canadian Theatre
January 9–12
The Roundhouse
181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver

An award-winning play by Thai-American playwright, Prince Gomolvillas, that takes a comical look at Asian-American identity across three generations. Every week seven Asian-Americans gather on top of a Vegas rooftop in search for UFOs, eventually forming deep connections with each other. Advance tickets: $15 adults, $10 students/seniors, $20 at the door. January 9 preview, pay what you can.

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Whale Shark Ecotourism in the Philippines
Thursday, January 10, 7:30 p.m.
Unity Church
5840 Oak St., Vancouver

Speaker Josh Silberg will talk about ecotourism of whale sharks in Philippine waters and what impact the tourism has on this species. Silberg is currently doing his Master’s in Resource and Environmental Management at SFU. Free admission.

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6th Annual Russian Christmas in Vancouver
Sunday, January 13
1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Russian Theatre Palme
2114 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver

Celebrate Christmas again with the Russian community. There will be kids programs, food, real Russian vodka, performances and more. Tickets: $8.50 adults, $4.45 students/seniors, $2.34 kids under 6 years old.

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What’s Old is New
The Society for the Museum of Original Costume

Sunday, January 13,
2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Hycroft Manor
1489 McRae Ave., Vancouver

Featuring the museum’s latest acquisitions of dated hats, gloves, jewelry, clothes and corsets. This is a ‘white glove’ event, where guests can touch the pieces and ask questions. Tickets: $20 members, $22 non-members.

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Naoki Totsuka Solo Exhibition
Until January 14 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Rufus Lin Gallery
5811 Cooney Rd., Richmond

An exhibition by contemporary Japanese painter, Naoki Totsuka. Totsuka’s paintings features Japanese landscapes and buildings, using her own cultivated technique of watercolour. Free admission.

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Workshop: Energy Tonics – Kombucha and Beyond
Wednesday, January 16
5:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
UBC Farm Kitchen
6182 South Campus Rd.,

Learn how to make your own health drinks. The workshop will teach participants how to make Kombucha, Bieler broth, barley water, beet kvaas, potassium tea and more. Tickets $36.87 (materials included).

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Ride the Cyclone
January 17–February 16
Arts Club Theatre
1585 Johnston St., Vancouver

Ride the Cyclone | Photo by Fairen Berchard

A fortune-teller brings back to life a high school chamber choir that perished on a fateful rollercoaster ride, in a musical created by Victoria’s Atomic Vaudeville. Tickets $29–$49.

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A Little Jazz / A Little Tango, Songs of Passion
Friday, January 18, 8 p.m.
Ryerson United Church
2205 W. 45th Ave., Vancouver

Choral performance of jazz and tango songs, accompanied by pianists Miles Black and Linda Lee Thomas. Conducted by Jon Washburn. Jodi Proznick on bass and Joel fountain on drums. Tickets: $32.75 adults, $29.25 students/seniors.

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A Celebration of Robbie Burns Dinner & Concert
Saturday, January 19, 6 p.m.
Place Des Arts
1120 Brunette Ave., Coquitlam

A celebration of Scottish poet, Robert Burns. Enjoy a Scottish dinner at 6 p.m., followed by a concert. Celtic band, Blackthorn, will be performing, along with Place des Arts faculty member, Rosie Carver, and guest piper, Jim McWilliams. Dinner and concert: $35 adults, $33 students/seniors. Concert only: $15 adults, $13 students/seniors.

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Nathan Coley Exhibit
Until January 20
Tuesday–Sunday, 12 p.m.–6 p.m.
Contemporary Art Gallery
555 Nelson St., Vancouver

First solo exhibition of the British artist in North America. Coley’s works uses diverse forms of media to explore the social relationship of man with built structures. Free guided visit in French, January 12 at 3 p.m. Free English guided tour on closing weekend, January 19 at 3 p.m.

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Craig Bowlsby: Empire of Ice
Monday, January 21
7 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Vancouver Public Library
350 W. Georgia St., Vancouver

Craig Bowlsby presents his new book about the history of hockey. Free admission.