Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia have released a comprehensive study on discriminatory recruiting practices in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. The research project, which was conducted by the Metropolis British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Diversity, concludes that employment recruiters tend to favour applicants with English names over applicants with Indian or Asian names. They also tend to regard a new Canadian’s application as less qualified, even if their international experience and academic qualifications, from high-ranking foreign universities, match those of English applicants.
Savana – an East Indian woman who didn’t want her real name revealed – is a university educated product trainer at a small company that writes and publishes assessment tools for recruiters. Born and raised in Canada, she began her career working part-time as a cashier for a large national retailer in Toronto. Upon completing their management training program, she moved into a recruiter role where she noticed a high number of job applications from new Canadians who were overqualified for retail positions.
“There were doctors applying for positions who just needed to make ends meet,” says Savana.
In 2005, she chose to return to B.C., where she experienced discrimination first-hand, during her job search. In spite of her experience and education, it was difficult for her to find employment in a similar position and so the first six months, she worked as a temporary receptionist and got paid $10 per hour.
Explaining the problems she faced while obtaining her current position as a product trainer, Savana says that she “had to be pretty aggressive…by insisting on a meeting” with the recruiter, who told her that they couldn’t meet because she was going on vacation.
“I told her that I’d be happy to meet her before she left. Unfortunately, there isn’t really a happy ending.”
She says that the company employs less than 10 people.
“I am the only non-white person [working] in the company,” says Savana. “They hired a few other non-Caucasians [but] they have all left.”
For the past five years, Savana says that she has never been invited for lunch by her co-workers, nor does she socialize with them after work.
“It’s [just] the culture of the environment,” she explains.
To decrease bias and promote inclusion, the study recommends that employers mask applicant names when considering skills and experience. Additionally, they encourage employers to increase their recruiting strategies by sourcing qualified candidates from recognized community organizations whose mandate is to assist new Canadians with gaining employment – and Canadian experience.
These government funded organizations, which include places like S.U.C.C.E.S.S., DIVERSEcity, ISS of BC, MOSAIC and PICS, can bridge the transition from foreign to Canadian experience for qualified applicants. For example, DIVERSEcity coordinates workshops for employers who can then provide their recruiters with a toolkit on recruiting, managing and hiring new Canadians.
A report published by the Canadian Human Rights Commission highlights some of the different strategies that employers can use to recruit a diverse workforce.
This report, titled “A Guide to Screening and Selection in Employment,” suggests that employers can target diverse groups through advertisements in ethnic newspapers and publications that are read by different communities, including women, people with disabilities, and indigenous peoples, and state that these target groups are welcome to apply.
Yet, many organizations fall short on recruiting, hiring and accommodation practices that assist in helping new Canadians feel welcome and safe in the workplace.
An alternative job search strategy that is quite effective is the information interview. An information interview is a proactive way of managing a job search that frequently bypasses recruiters. These interviews are always held with management, whose primary objective is to find the most qualified applicant.
Many companies provide a referral bonus for employees who provide qualified referrals as applicants. It is common knowledge in the career development industry that the hidden job market – those jobs that are not advertised – represent about 70–80 per cent of all jobs. Advertised jobs make up about 20 per cent in the local labour market.
An information interview provides the employer and applicant to meet and learn about each other in a relaxed, non-threatening discussion.
The job seeker also learns more about the organization, and how to match their skills, knowledge and experience with the role that they are seeking.
In short, it’s a win-win opportunity for both the organization and the job seeker.
I find this study a bit untrue. I personally know of 20 people (Canadians or with English sounding names) who were forced to move AWAY from Vancouver either up north or to Calgary because job markets in Vancouver are increasingly Asian or East-Indian dominated. A friend of mine spent over two years trying to get into the field of Biochemistry in Vancouver. HE went to 6 interviews and every single one was conducted by an Asian person. HE noticed that most people working in that office were Asian as well. TRy to get a job at HSBC bank if you are not Asian or at a pharmacy if you are not of Indian descent. Vancouver is on a downward spiral where Canadians are becoming a minority and having to move away to find employment for themselves. SO many employment ads in Vancouver say “Punjaby or Mandarin is an asset”. It is ridiculous to see such a trend in a country where two official languages are French and English. Walking around the mall during Christmas time one can play a game trying to find a white person: you are unlikely to count too many. I find it ridiculous that these sorts of articles continue to get printed: open your eyes people. The trend has shifted a long time ago!