How Midsummer taught me about becoming a woman

I’ve spent my life saying I’m 1/4 Swedish – but the Scandinavian Community Centre taught me why that’s important. Growing up, I was very Swedish. I spent every Christmas singing Swedish folk songs in a choir called Lucia, I had an insatiable desire for herring and gravlax, and I would find any excuse to take…

Don’t experiment on First Nations’ rights

There’s a bill winding its way through Parliament that threatens First Nations’ rights under the guise of promoting reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Bill C-53 proposes legislation that the federal government claims will merely confirm self-government rights for three provincial Métis organization in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario. What could be wrong with that? In fact, what…

International student policy illustrates university bias

When Minister Miller stood up to announce a new cap on international students last week, exemptions were made for Master’s and PhD students because “these are the highly skilled people Canada needs.” Graduates of short-term graduate programs were offered three-year post-graduate work permits, so long as credentials were earned at one of Canada’s universities. To…

Mining industry competing with salmon for rivers created by disappearing glaciers: SFU study finds

A study led by Simon Fraser University researchers finds that mining companies are staking claims on future salmon habitats as glaciers retreat. In the ice-covered transboundary region shared by northern B.C. and Alaska, glacier retreat is creating thousands of kilometers of new rivers that salmon are finding. These emerging rivers represent future habitats for salmon but…

Geroscience could transform aging

Thanks to advancements in healthcare and public health, Canadians are living longer than ever before and our senior population is rapidly growing. However, increased longevity also means that many people are living longer with multiple chronic diseases resulting in reduced function, reduced quality of life and need for increased support from caregivers and the healthcare…

Are Canadians suffering a crisis of trust?

The rising trend of “fake news” came to prominence over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic as people turned to social media channels to read and distribute information that often fell far short of offering reliable information or verifiable data. The unchecked spread of misinformation led to serious harm for many individuals, especially those who…

Collaborate on Columbia River Treaty to face today’s challenges

Building ecosystem and community resilience amid the climate crisis Negotiators representing federal, provincial and First Nation governments gathered recently in Seattle, Washington to continue efforts to modernize the Columbia River Treaty in an 18th round of negotiations. Further talks are expected in the months ahead. Much has changed since the original Treaty was ratified in…

International Day for People of African Descent

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies. Honouring the contributions of the African diaspora, The International Day for People of African Descent was celebrated for the first time Aug. 31, 2021. Through this observance, the…

Exploring Yukon, the Land of the Midnight Sun

Visiting all 13 provinces and territories of Canada is on my bucket list and so for a week in May, I went up to the Yukon Territory with some friends to not only get away from the hustle and bustle of big city Vancouver, but also to explore a truly picturesque part of Canada. On…