Exploring Yukon, the Land of the Midnight Sun

Visiting all 13 provinces and territories of Canada is on my bucket list and so for a week in May, I went up to the Yukon Territory with some friends to not only get away from the hustle and bustle of big city Vancouver, but also to explore a truly picturesque part of Canada. On…

The ongoing commitment to ensure women’s voices are heard

Women are being silenced, violated and gaslit. And not just in Sarah Polley’s brilliant, Oscar-nominated film, Women Talking. In recent weeks, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon announced their resignations, citing, in part, the toll that being viciously trolled and attacked was taking on their lives. Here at home,…

Northern voices must shape Arctic shift to greener energy

When it comes to infrastructure, Canada’s North is lagging behind the rest of the world. Focusing on energy infrastructure in comparable regions throughout the circumpolar Arctic, we see countries that have successfully harnessed alternatives, such as nuclear and geothermal energy, to power communities in northern and remote areas. In stark contrast, all 25 of Nunavut’s…

It’s time we listen directly to the voices of disabled persons living in poverty – Canada Disability Benefit bill moves to the Senate for consideration

Late last year, a federal government committee met to hear directly from persons with disabilities living in poverty. One hundred and fifty-three separate submissions were provided in support of the need for the federal government’s proposed Bill C22, also known as the Canada Disability Benefit, which would provide a much-needed income supplement to Canadians with…

Disability policy tested Canadian values in 2022

It’s perplexing for us disabled people and advocates that so many media headlines point to the extreme financial struggles of people with disabilities in our inflationary economy while the powers that be continue debating details. What details? Our Parliamentarians are busy parsing the words of the proposed federal Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) as it wends…

Crispy Pork and Chicken Adobo

Dubbed as the “unofficial official” national dish of the Philippines, adobo is no doubt a staple on every Filipino family table. Widely popular for its simple basic ingredients and preparation, recipes for this dish vary from region to region. My Lola (grandmother), who was known far and wide for her wonderful cooking back home, used…

Selsig Morgannwg – Glamorgan Sausages

Ah, yes, Vancouver in November. The weather outside is frightful – good thing these Glamorgan sausages are very, very delightful! I was lucky enough to try this dish whilst in a pub in Britain this past summer, so getting Wales as my next assignment was a delightful surprise. This vegetarian dish has humble origins dating…

Can philanthropy reduce inequality?

One of Canada’s largest meetings on philanthropy takes place this month as foundations, corporate donors and government funders gather for Philanthropic Foundations Canada’s annual conference. It comes as a question reverberates across the field: Can institutional philanthropy, itself a product of money and power, actually help to alleviate inequality and advance justice? For women and…