Elements of Vancouver

As a born and raised Albertan, one of the central reasons I was drawn to Vancouver was, while lacking in originality, the mild winters. While still swollen by thick layers of clothing in Edmonton, I imagined life in Vancouver. I was buoyant with the anticipation of living without snow drifts, spinning tires, demotivating cold snaps…

One City and COPE liven up the Vancouver election campaign

The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born.” – Antonio Gramsci. These words from the Italian revolutionary’s Prison Notebooks are on the sign outside the old Video-In space on Main Street. This is where the Coalition of Progressive Electors has rented a campaign office for…

Happy Hornby

Driftwood has been placed together to form the word HAPPY on this rocky beach viewed from the cliffs of Helliwell Provincial Park on Hornby Island, BC. It was Thanksgiving weekend and maybe this was the purpose for the word or there may be other reasons, which you’ll find by reading further. It’s an ecologically sensitive…


I often doze in public transit. When I say often what I really mean is: all the time. Up to now, as a matter of fact. But one evening, I was feeling thoughtful and took a look at my traveling companions. And feeling a big curious, I watched…. The readers, the professionals, the students, and…

Vancouver election: What’s the point of the NPA?

Maybe Kirk LaPointe and his team with the Non-Partisan Association are Seinfeld fans, because so far theirs has been a campaign about nothing. The NPA, the traditional party of Vancouver’s establishment, has never looked so played out and anachronistic. They have failed to define a clear, policy-based set of alternatives to the status quo at…


Québécoise artist Danaé Brissonnet is in front of her mural, Reconnection. She’s painting it on the Moss St. side of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (AGGV). The mural was part of the Puppets for Peace Celebration, the first of its kind, taking place in Victoria September 19–21, 2014. It was a collaboration between the…

Alexandra Park

Sunset at Alexandra Park is indeed beautiful. Located along Beach Ave. at Bidwell St. across from Vancouver’s English Bay, this charming little park has been part of Vancouver’s history since the early 1900’s. The sun is shining through the Hayward Bandstand, built in 1914 and celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Concerts at Hayward Bandstand…

Vancouver’s story: A lack of unity

More than a habit, it’s a religion. Before setting foot in a new place, I study the museums, the great monuments, the beautiful architecture. It’s a purely intellectual exercise. I believe that the works conceived by another belong to another time. Or maybe that the very time I spend contemplating the work of that other…