Surprise Rendez-vous

Two young Québécois once asked me what it was like to live as a linguistic minority for someone who was born and raised in French, but has been living in B.C. for a long time.

Dark humour should be shelved

Evidently humour is not Liberal leader Justin Trudeau’s forte. I don’t know him personally, so I have no idea whether he is funny in his private life or not. Maybe he is. Great, if that’s the case, humour being a key element to good health. However, when it comes to international affairs, in his attempts…

Facing off against Big Oil: Why I write

Everyone who thinks seriously about the world’s ecological crisis and in particular the threats posed by climate change must end up asking themselves some variation of these two questions: what if it is too late to avert catastrophic and runaway climate change? And, how can we possibly defeat the forces arrayed against us, starting with…

Cultural Calendar

The snow is melting and the weather is pleasant – so what excuse is there to not get out and do something fun? Treat yourself to a classical concert at the Vancouver Symphony Opera or explore the architecture of Daniel Evan White at the Museum of Vancouver. If you like to explore, come learn more…

Flamborough Head

Andrew Wallace began building wooden fish boats in 1894 in False Creek. He established Wallace Shipyards in 1905 and the following year moved his operation to the North Shore, to what is now the area just east of Lonsdale Quay between Waterfront Park and St. George’s Ave. In 1921, Wallace Shipyards was renamed Burrard Dry…

Federal budget: a timely surplus

Would you say that you are financially better off today than two years ago? If your answer is maybe yes and maybe no (which would make you the same as many of your fellow Canadians, who think that improvements could be made) you are exactly what Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are looking for in a voter.…

Imagining an NDP leadership race to fill B.C.’s political void

The BC NDP leadership race got a little less interesting this week, with Point Grey MLA David Eby’s announcing that he would not be running for the job after all. Eby, a fresh face in the caucus who defeated Christy Clark in her own riding, gave a very good reason for his decision: his partner…