From Prince George to Surrey

Last February I moved to Surrey immediately after graduating from the University of Victoria in order to start up a new business –Class Act Painters. I had a hell of a time, for two reasons. One, because starting a new business is a lot of work, and two, because living in Surrey is … well, it’s living in Surrey. I find Surrey to be much like a larger version of Prince George, where I grew up, except it’s easier to leave. [Read more…]

Photo by Denis Bouvier

Twinned Towers

Taken from Nelson and Richards St., this picture presents 3 iconic buildings in Vancouver. In the foreground we have part of the Robson Square Complex built in the 70’s. The 2 towers in the background which are the main focus of this picture are the Electra on the left and the Patina on the right. What’s remarkable about this photo is that it makes 2 buildings appear to be side by side and the same height. However, the Electra has 21 storeys compared with the Patina’s 42 storeys, and they are on opposite sides of the street. [Read more…]