Occupy Vancouver – an electoral twist

In many cities around the world, citizens have been regrouping under the “occupy” dictum, as is the case for the group camping out in front of the Vancouver Art gallery, known as Occupy Vancouver. That Vancouver finds itself “occupied” is nothing surprising. In fact, the opposite would have been surprising. But what is frankly jarring is the minuscule size of this group of campers compared to other groups around the world. [Read more…]

Vancouver: “a bed time flight”

It’s only been a month since I landed in Vancouver. It’s a special place, and I should know; I’ve been all over the world. I was born in Israel from Argentinean parents who moved me back to Buenos Aires, when I was just 5 years old. I worked in Colombia for 6 months and slowly made my way north to the American east coast before surrounding myself by mountains. Things are a lot different in this wonderful land called Vancouver. [Read more…]