My COVID life – celebrating the wins

In 2019 (which seems like it was five years ago), I was working at a job that wasn’t reflecting my worth. I had gained all I could from my position and instead of learning anything new, the lessons began repeating themselves over and over again like I was stuck in some sort of time loop.…

For Your Interest: Kris Hui. The Graduate. Real School. Real Life. Part 2.

Continued…In an age of fakes and internet flakes, Kris Hui is a real one. Her story of “success” is not the regular media feature because of an amazing performance, a cool invention or show business fame. Her tale is the quiet + smart + elegant progress of a young woman making her way through college, life in the 21st Century, filming her journey and posting…

To rock bottom and up

Did you ever have an idiosyncrasy as a child? I did this rather ridiculous thing as a child, where I saved the best for the last. It started off by saving the best bite of food for the end. Slowly, that habit bled into other parts of my life. For example, if someone gave me…

Why fight social isolation alone?

Over the course of our collective social isolation during the pandemic, I’ve noticed that it’s sometimes much easier for people to validate the struggles and stressors of others before acknowledging the toll of one’s own. I’ve seen how COVID-19 can intensify my friends’ very difficult living situations at home, put strain on years-long relationships, and…

Charity boards should reflect diversity

After celebrating Black History Month, we continue to hear loud calls for more diversity in newsrooms across the country, in corporations and in Parliament. Canadians have correctly pointed out a diversity gap in all those power structures. But the diversity deficit doesn’t end there; it’s also in the boardrooms of charities and non-profits. It’s always…

For Your Interest: Mansion Global. Real Homes. Real Living.

Mansion Global is the website of choice to visit if you’ve got a spare $5,000,000, $8,000,000, $10,000,000 million dollars to spend on a new home. Luxury villas, grand estates, fairy tale mansions and elegant penthouses from around the world are all on view to discover, select and buy.  The site has all the usual features…

Learning to be calm, kind and safe in a ghost town

Barely a year ago, the COVID-19 pandemic began when the first case arrived in British Columbia. The restrictions in Canada escalated at a jarringly rapid pace. Coming home to Vancouver in February after four years of university (in the Netherlands and Victoria, B.C.), I returned to my old room in my parents’ house. With loving…

Back in BC after 7 years

It felt reassuring to see the “two-metre” marks on the ground at the London Heathrow Airport. In late October, I was travelling from Paris to Vancouver with a layover in London. Back then, France had consistently more than 50,000 new cases daily and was on the brink of announcing a second lock-down. In Paris, I…