Father’s Day is coming up and if you’re looking for something to do on this day, there’s the Car Free Day Block Party. Other notable events are the Vancouver International Storytelling Festival, Russia Day, Drums on Air and more.
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Miss Representation
Wednesday, June 6, 5 p.m.–7 p.m.
Scotiabank Theatre
900 Burrard St., Vancouver
[email protected]
A documentary showing how women are misrepresented by the media and the negative effects it carries over to society, eg. girls’ self esteem issues or lack of women holding positions of power. All proceeds go to Big Sisters of BC and Dress for Success Vancouver. Tickets $35.
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Kibatsu Cinema
June 7–28
Pacific Cinémathèque
1131 Howe St., Vancouver
Kibatsu in Japanese, means that something is unusual or out of the ordinary. Discover the unusual and the quirky in Japanese pop culture in this cinema showcase of contemporary Japanese films. Single tickets: $10.50 adults, $9 students and seniors.
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Vancouver International
Storytelling Festival
Vancouver Society of Storytelling
June 8–10
Various Venues
The VSOS aims to foster inter-generational communication and learning through the art of storytelling. This year’s festival will include an opening gala, a bike/bus tour, ghost stories, panel discussions and more. Tickets range from $5 to $20.
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The Face of Our Community: Vancouver Draw Down
Saturday, June 9, noon–4 p.m.
ArtStarts Gallery
808 Richards St., Vancouver
A celebration of daylong drawing activities that challenge everyone about their preconceptions about drawing. Join in the collaborative window mural that is meant to reflect the diversity of our community. Open to the public.
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Joy of Music Concert
Sunday, June 10, 5 p.m.
Vancouver Community College
1155 E. Broadway, Vancouver
A benefit concert by youth for youth to raise funds and awareness for research and treatment of childhood cancer. The conductor-less chamber orchestra features young performers who will play music from the likes of Bach, Beethoven, Wieniawaski and more. Tickets $25.
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Russia Day
Sunday, June 10, starting 12 noon
Serbian Cultural Centre
7837 Canada Way, Burnaby
[email protected]
In honour of the Russian Federation’s national holiday, Russia Day (actual date is June 12). Celebrate Russian heritage with concerts, games, food, a fashion show, dance party and more. Tickets: $10 adults, $2 children.
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Japanese Taiko drumming group Uzume Taiko. Photo courtesy of Uzume Taiko
Drums on Air
Wednesday, June 13, 8 p.m.
Norman Rothstein Theatre
950 W. 41st Ave., Vancouver
Japanese taiko drumming group, Uzume Taiko, collaborates with Curtis Andrews and Alcvin Ramos in a fusion concert. Mbira and shakuhachi melodies mixed with South Indian and Ghanaian rhythms are heard against the backdrop of the taiko drums. Tickets: $20 adults, $15 children and seniors. Group rates available.
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Geographies of Food
and Consumption:
The Social Life of Taste
Saturday, June 16, 1:30 p.m.
SFU Harbour Centre
515 W. Hastings St., Vancouver
A lecture by Josh Labove, PhD candidate in SFU’s Department of Geology. The forum seeks to investigate our eating ways and sense of taste within the contexts of social, economic and political power. Open to the public but registration required.
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International Bazaar
Madagascar Community
Development Society
Saturday, June 16, 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church
2733 W. 41st Ave., Vancouver
Browse through the marketplace filled with arts and crafts. There will also be a food court, silent auction and a white elephant sale. Proceeds go to the Madagascar Community Development Society, which promotes sustainable agriculture and environmental education in Madagascar. Open to the public.
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Car Free Day
Sunday, June 17, noon–6 p.m.
From Venables St. to North
Grandview Hwy., Vancouver
[email protected]
A car-free block party, featuring grilled food, parading drummers, healing gardens, DJs and more. There will be other car-free block parties in these locations as well: Main St., West End (Denman St.) and Kitsilano. Open to the public.
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Songfire Festival of Song
Until June 24, various Venues
A celebration of the integration of poetry and music. There will be lectures, workshops, concerts, theatre performances and documentaries. See website for details and schedule. Tickets range from free to $40.