Trying to find the newest events that capture your attention? You can watch a movie or two at the Vancouver International Film Festival or see the newest trends at Eco Fashion Week. If food is your thing, check out the UBC Apple Festival and the Festival of Chocolate.

The art of living: chocolate, magic and mystery | Photo by Ariane Colenbrander, courtesy of the Festival of Chocolate.
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Vancouver International Film Festival
Now until Friday, October 11
Various locations in Vancouver
604-683-FILM (3456)
One of the most popular film festivals in North America, this event is a must-go for any film lover. Check the website for the full schedule of films, which come from over fifty countries.

Fashion and sustainability at Robson Square | Photo courtesy of Eco Fashion Week.
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Eco Fashion Week
Now until Thursday, October 10
UBC Robson Square, Vancouver
Returning for its seventh edition, Vancouver’s Eco Fashion Week celebrates fashionable designs that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. This season’s event will take place at Robson Square and includes outdoor runway shows as well as seminars and events.
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The Highest Step in the World
Thursday, October 10–
Saturday, October 26
Gateway Theatre
6500 Gilbert Rd, Richmond
A multi-media experience devised by one of Canada’s most innovative theatre companies, The Highest Step in the World lifts its narrator to the sky and projects our hopes and fears onto a screen behind him. Hear tales of real-life danger and fictional perils, from a death-defying descent from the stratosphere to discovering what drove Icarus so close to the sun. Step on board for a mesmerizing meditation on the nature of risk and one of the wildest rides of your life.
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Greenpeace Flagship Rainbow Warrior
Friday, October 11–
Saturday, October 12
Burrard Dry Dock Pier (beside Lonsdale Quay), North Vancouver
Come and personally visit Greenpeace’s fabled ship for a free group tour and an opportunity to meet the captain and crew. A worldwide symbol of peace and environmental stewardship, the Rainbow Warrior will arrive in Canada for the first time. This is an incredible ship tour that promises to be fun and interesting for all ages!

Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior to visit Vancouver | Photo courtesy of
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Festival of Chocolate
Tuesday, October 15–
Sunday, November 10
Various locations in Vancouver
The Fall Festival of Chocolate showcases everything one can learn about cocoa and chocolate. The magical mystery of these ingredients is explored through seminars and pairings held at local chocolate shops, wineries, breweries, restaurants, cafes, and bakeries across the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Don’t miss out on this delicious opportunity to celebrate all things chocolate.
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Come learn about and taste apples at the UBC Apple Festival |
UBC Apple Festival
Saturday, October 19–
Sunday, October 20
UBC Botanical Garden
6804 SW Marine Dr, Vancouver
A family event for all ages, the UBC Apple Festival celebrates one of British Columbia’s favourite fruits. From children learning about the diversity of apples to those who remember tasting heritage apples in their youth, the Apple Festival is a great opportunity to not only discover more about this delicious fruit, but have a whole lot of fun doing it!
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Vancouver Writers Fest
Tuesday, October 22–
Sunday, October 27
Granville Island, Vancouver
The Vancouver Writers Fest celebrates its 26th year . The festival is one of North America’s top literary events and attracts some of the world’s best writers. Whether you attend an author reading, poetry bash or passionate writers’ debate, you can count on stimulation and inspiration.
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One of the photos on display at the Foncie’s Fotos exhibition | Photo courtesy of MOV
Foncie’s Fotos
Until January 2014
Museum of Vancouver
1100 Chestnut St., Vancouver
The Museum of Vancouver presents an exhibit of the works of Foncie Pulice, the last man standing from Vancouver’s great era of post-war street photography. As he strode the city streets, Foncie captured Vancouverites in action. His photographs often trigger vivid memories for long-time residents who recall the particular day, the hour, their companions, and the circumstances of the images.
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A Call for Justice
Until Sunday, December 29
Nikkei National Museum
& Cultural Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby
In honour of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Redress Agreement with the Government of Canada in 1988, the Nikkei National Museum is presenting the first traveling exhibit of the struggle to achieve acknowledgement for past unjust treatments. This exhibit will feature historic photographs, artifacts, poetry, personal statements, art, and video. Admission by donation.