See Phantoms of a Utopian Will and other works of art in Burnaby.|
Fall is coming in full swing but don’t let that fool you into thinking there aren’t as many great things to do around Vancouver! From garlic to wine to a parade, check out what is happening in Vancouver these next two weeks!
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Alex Morrison
Sept. 4–Nov. 8
SFU Art Gallery and Burnaby Art Gallery
SFU Art Gallery and Burnaby Art Gallery have worked together to host the works of Canadian artist Alex Morrison, showcasing two of his new projects alongside others from the galleries’ collection picked by Morrison, whose style uses built environments and their counter-cultural inhabitations. For
more information, please visit their website.
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Reconciliation in South Africa: Has it Succeeded?
Oct. 6
Frederic Wood Theatre
6354 Crescent Rd., UBC Point Grey
Join Richard Goldstone at this year’s Vancouver Human Rights lecture as he discusses the successes and failures of reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa. The talk describes the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, about its successes and failures, and assesses South Africa 21 years after apartheid. For more information, please visit their website.
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Sustainable Seafood Cooked Right with Robert Clark
Oct. 7
CSNN Kitchen
2245 West Broadway, Vancouver
Make great seafood dishes while using sustainable fish resources with Robert Clark. Prepare salmon, tuna and shrimp among other delicious seafood to create tasty combinations! For more information, please visit their website.
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Best Garlic Ever! With Brendan Young
Oct. 8
CSNN Kitchen
2245 West Broadway, Vancouver
Canada imports over 80 per cent of the garlic we eat, usually heavily sprayed with pesticides. Brendan Young shows participants how to easily grow your own garlic and know which ones are perfectly suited for your climate. For more information, please visit their website.
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Pushing Boundaries 2015
Oct. 9–Nov. 14
North Vancouver Community Arts Council
335 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver
CityScape Community Arts Space is presenting the third biennial edition of Pushing Boundaries, which highlights emerging and professional Native American artists. 15 artists from across the Lower Mainland create contemporary pieces with themes of home, self, culture, history and more. For more information, please visit their website.
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Vancouver Halloween Parade and Expo
Oct. 15–18
Various locations around Vancouver
A festival of arts, cosplay, film, comics, games, toys, costumes and makeup, the Vancouver Halloween Parade and Expo is back, with performances at the PNE and a grand parade downtown. The festival is open to everyone. For more information, please visit their website.

What ya gonna see? Van Expo! | Photo courtesy of GoToVan.
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Vancouver Aquarium Presents: Toast to the Coast
Oct. 16
Vancouver Aquarium
845 Avison Way, Vancouver
Visit the galleries of the Vancouver Aquarium, and enjoy some wine along the way. Celebrate the conservation of our oceans, and visit the after-party featuring music, wine and snacks. All proceeds go to the Vancouver Aquarium. For more information, please visit their website.
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Arts Umbrella Celebrates Splash Art Auction and Fundraiser
Oct. 17
Performance Works
1218 Cartwright St., Vancouver
Come visit Granville Island this October for the 33rd Annual Splash Art Auction and Fundraiser, a huge art extravaganza featuring more than 500 businesses, community leaders and art aficionados, with all proceeds going to help fund art programming for thousands of kids in Vancouver. For more information, please visit their website.
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Discovery Saturday: Latin Fiesta
Oct. 17
Surrey Museum
17710-56A Ave., Surrey
Come to Cloverdale to experience the rich culture of Latin America! Performances, arts and crafts, and traditional snacks for everyone will be on hand at this fiesta. Bring your maracas, and be ready to dance! For more information, please visit their website.
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Modern Peruvian Cooking with Shelome Bouvette
Oct. 20
CSNN Kitchen
2245 West Broadway, Vancouver
Experience Peruvian cuisine with Shelome Bouvette, who will demonstrate how to create true Peruvian dishes with unique flavours while using local and organic produce. For more information, please visit their website.