Career mentorship program bridges employment gap in Canadian immigration system

Vancouver needs skilled labour from abroad, but once workers arrive, they need local support to be successful. As Paul Mochrine, general manager of human resources for the City of Vancouver says, “Canada’s future prosperity is highly dependent on attracting talented, motivated immigrants and supporting their integration into our labour market. Particularly for a city that…

Blueprints for greening Vancouver

Population concentration into Vancouver’s urban setting has many developers and city officials vying to create a sustainable green atmosphere over the current cement jungle.

Feeding social inclusion

A series of six events hosted by the Surrey Welcoming Communities Project hopes to use food to foster dialogue and help make newcomers feel at home in the community.

Deconstructing ‘honour’ violence

Within the last decade, violence against women arising from notions of protecting an unwritten cultural ‘honour’ has been highlighted in several high-profile cases of ‘honour killings,’ including the 2009 Shafia family case and the 2007 murder of Aqsa Parvez.