From Prince George to Surrey

Last February I moved to Surrey immediately after graduating from the University of Victoria in order to start up a new business –Class Act Painters. I had a hell of a time, for two reasons. One, because starting a new business is a lot of work, and two, because living in Surrey is … well, it’s living in Surrey. I find Surrey to be much like a larger version of Prince George, where I grew up, except it’s easier to leave. [Read more…]

Unexpected surprises

More than anything, I wished to move to an English speaking country for a year, to become bilingual and work in my field, which is accounting. In France, during a job fair, I found an organization offering to their members to enroll in a paying language school in Vancouver for six months, and to be allowed to work in Canada, evenings or on weekends coupled with work experience in my field for the following six months. [Read more…]

Confessions of an Anglo-Montrealer

Languages are a passion of mine. I studied English literature at university and taught it for four years in a Montreal college. I’ve also taught English as a second language, both in Montreal and in my newly adopted home of Vancouver; and if I’m not studying or teaching English, there’s a good chance I’m reading an Albert Camus novel, watching a Montreal Canadiens hockey game, or trying to chat up some francophones… [Read more…]

Occupy Vancouver

The Vancouver kiss

In the middle of June, a time when the weather was hot, I was listening to Amy Winehouse at the corner of two Parisian avenues. I stopped in a kiosk, because in Paris, newspapers are sold in kiosks and not in big green or grey boxes. It is not often, frankly, that the French press cares about Vancouver. Since the Olympics, we had no news. But then, several weekly and daily newspapers were going over the same picture in their ‘picture of the week’ or ‘story of the week’ section: le baiser de Vancouver (the Vancouver kiss). [Read more…]

Vancouver: “a bed time flight”

It’s only been a month since I landed in Vancouver. It’s a special place, and I should know; I’ve been all over the world. I was born in Israel from Argentinean parents who moved me back to Buenos Aires, when I was just 5 years old. I worked in Colombia for 6 months and slowly made my way north to the American east coast before surrounding myself by mountains. Things are a lot different in this wonderful land called Vancouver. [Read more…]